State capacity refers to the ability of a state to collect taxes, enforce law and order, secure property rights and provide other public goods. Over the last few centuries, the world has witnessed an unprecedented increase in wealth as well as a remarkable transformation in the scope and scale of the state. The richest countries are characterised by long-lasting, centralised political institutions, whereas poverty is widespread in countries that are internally fragmented and lack a history of centralised governance. Historically, China has stood out as the most fascinating case of a nation characterised by the precocious development of a relatively centralised political, fiscal, military governance capacity, only to face challenges from the West in the 19th and 20th centuries.
Supported by a research grant awarded by the Research Grants Council of Hong Kong government (AoE/B-704/22-R for Areas of Excellence Scheme 2022/23), the State Capacity, Institutions and Development Research Cluster of the AoE project has engaged on this important question for the past two years (State Capacity, Institutions and Development – Centre for Quantitative History). In this regard, we plan to organise an international workshop on the broad theme of State Capacity from a historical and comparative perspective. We welcome submissions from all regions of the world. Topics can include quantification, theoretical framework, historical empirical test, and micro case studies of state capacity.
Submission details: Proposed titles and paper abstracts of c. 800 words should be submitted using this link by February 20, 2025. Notice of acceptance will be made by March 15, 2025.
Conference organisation: We will offer a return ticket (air or train in economy class) for one participant per paper presentation and three nights of accommodation in Hong Kong.
Two-Day International Conference Details –
Dates: May 23 – 24, 2025
Venue: The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Hosts: The CUHK-UC San Diego Joint Laboratory on Chinese Economy, The Chinese University of Hong Kong; Centre for Quantitative History, The University of Hong Kong.